Sunday, July 26, 2009

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

I'm not sure if i'm pretty or ugly, but i feel ugly and all my friends call me ugly!! What do you think?

-medium length wavy golden brown hair

-big chocolate brown eyes

-rosy cheeks

-warm white skin


Please be honest, and if u don't think i sound attractive, what do you think i can do to make me feel prettier??

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

you sound fine.

but i cant say that for sure cuz you dont have a pic

of yourself

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

Confidence is sexy. Act confident and you'll be pretty! Simple.

Like my favourite quote (from janice dickinson) "Fake it to make it"

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

You have got to be kidding me.

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

by the sound of it you look so beautiful. Don't listen to your friends who call you ugly, they are just trying to make you feel bad cuz they're jealous!

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

pretty or ugly comes from the inside of each of us. what one thinks in his heart, that is what he is. from the dept of the heart the mouth will speak.........

sense you sound a little confused, then you must be cute. the pretty will come when you grow up a little more

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

still waiting for your picture.

"Pretty" is a relative term - if YOU feel "ugly" make a change to something new.

You sound pretty to me.

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

get a pic and go to

there are way worse things than being ugly

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

I think u need new friends! But u sound pretty (from what you've put down as ur description)

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

If all your "friends" call you ugly then why are you friends with them? Even if they are saying that in a joking manner it's not very nice. Based on your description you certainly don't sound ugly!!

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

you sound beautiful. there's a show on called ugly girl or something like that. that girl is cute, if you ask me, but I think they did that on purpose. they couldn't keep a show on the air if the main actor is actually ugly. i feel ugly and that's the way I act, and that's what REALLY keeps you single. Acting as if no one could be attracted to you is devastating. Even if someone does look at you you won't smile back because you KNOW they couldn't be looking at you that way. You don't try to meet people because you KNOW you're too ugly and why would they want to and so on.

If you're ugly, dress up. I saw an ugly woman yesterday (it was her flat nose that turned me off) but her skin looked like she keeps it clean and her eyebrows were immaculate, her jacket was pressed and molded perfectly to her body, the pants matched and were crisp, the boots were hot, the way she held herself was with so much pride and confidence that I liked her despite the fact that she looked plain in the face. She dressed and acted like someone who knew their value or had a secret and only told privileged people. I wanted that privilege! That attitude is easy to practice. It's head high, shoulders back

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...everyone in the world have a different definition of beauty. Some may like one thing while other may like another. Some people go for looks and some for personality. You don't sound ugly. I try to look deeper than just looks in everyone and you should just forget what your "friends" say, cause if there sayin that then there not your friends and you deserve better. Just feel good about yourself and forget everyone else...really you'll notice a big difference. Confidence is key.

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

"...and my friends call me ugly!!..."

First off those friends are jealous , No real friends going to say that too you unless they want something that have. In your case its good looks. If you be act confident and always have your head up high you cant really be ugly its just your self esteem.


HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

if you are good by heart than you can not be ugly.i am also ugly but people says i am good hearted human being.always think positive

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

Your Friends shouldnt say your ugly!! they arnt true friends if they say that coz i had a friend dat sed dat 2 me n we rnt m8s anymore coz she wasnt a true m8 xx

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

u dnt sound ugly buh if ur m8s r callin u ugly then ditch them coz they aint ur real friends get sum news one hu wnt damage ur confidence x

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

Well you obviously dont think you're ugly the way you're explaining yourself?

"Big chocolate brown eyes"

"Warm white skin"

You seem fine to me.

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

Grow up for starters

HELP!! I think I'm ugly!!?

Well u sound really pretty to me,now it's hard to say with no pic but from what u hav said u sound very pretty.Don't listen to what ur friends say.People make fun of other people usually because there jealous and insecure about they look.Don't llet them bring u down.If I where u let them know it really bothers u.Then say if ur really my friends mabey u would incourage me instead or discourageing me.So any way u sound really prety and don't let people tell u any thing different.

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